• Welcome to Brian James Rational Poet’s poetry blog

    Welcome to my poetry blog. I love reading Plath and Sexton and Dickenson and Maya. But to me, the best poets I have read are the unknows. The giants are great for sure, but the friends and locals and groups are a joy to participate in. I encourage everyone who writes poetry to be themselves. It is ok to have influences, but you should always in the end be yourself. There is only one them, and only one you.

    Let words be your canvas, show them the raw you, in all your happiness and sadness. Show them your love of nature, and empathy and kindness, but also make them think, provoke, even blaspheme. The poet’s job to me, is to never be shy or timid, but use every word in your vocabulary to paint the best pictures you can. Paint your sunrises, your sunsets, your romance, your fears. Paint your insecurities, your addictions, your successes, your tears.

    This blog is dedicated to my late mother Jane. She was my biggest supporter and never let me fall through the cracks. While she was a bit of an authoritarian growing up, that all melted away in her late years, and we grew as close as any parent child could. We had so much fun with our silly car games and rubber duckies, and counting the trees. And our wordplay games, and our thumb wrestling. And forget Yahtzee and backgammon, she always kicked my…… at that. I love you mom. I miss you horribly.

    And also my late best friend ever, Bob. He unfortunately passed away in 2017. He lived in Australia, he was a science geek, and he taught me a lot about debate, and some science. I can only grasp overall concepts, not real nitty gritty details. But he most importantly made me feel comfortable in my own skin. I miss you too Bob.

    Then there is this annoying guy from Okleeee homa, who says “tators”, and “videeeaaaa” instead of “video”. And don’t get John started on banjos. He is my best friend and he is always there for me, and I love that redneck.

    And also Dwayne, Stacey and Vicki. You saved my life all of you. Thank you.

    All poetry posted by me on this website is attached to RationalPoet@brianrrs37, handle “RationalPoet” on Twitter ,as well as “Brian James Rational Poet” on Facebook/ META. And is subject to copywrite on all my pages.

    A Special thanks to Brian Sapient of Rational Responders http://www.rationalresponders.com for hosting my poetry thread for so long. Thank you.

    AND….. YOU are more than welcome to share this link on your social media. Especially Meta and Twitter, but your own social media too. Any help bringing traffic here is more than welcome. THANK YOU. You may not publish individual poems without my express permission. Any links to my poetry must be credited to me.

    This poetry blog may contain some material that may be considered sensitive to some viewers. Reader discretion advised.

    Now, everyone, grab your popcorn, glass of wine, and watch me make a fool of myself. Enjoy.


    I only have two Twitter/X accounts. Twitter has now changed it’s name to “X”. So all poetry in this site referencing Twitter is also including the new name “X”.


    I have also joined Facebook/META poetry group “Facebook Poetry Society” Under “Brian James Rational Poet”

    Also I just joined http://www.allpoetry.com under the user name “RationalPoet37”


    NEW EDIT………

    A special thanks to Zaylen of “Okay Atheists” on the Discord app, for allowing me to guest host this poetry reading available on their YouTube channel originally aired 5/22/23. Here is the link

    If you want to leave a comment to any poem, click on the BOLD title of the poem first, scroll to the bottom of the poem, and you should see a field to leave the comment in.



  • Orange Is The New Brownshirt

    Orange Is The New Brownshirt, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

    If you just rid the world of “them”
    You know “they” are all to blame
    I am the victim, you know my name

    I have no shame, I have to claim
    That I am suffering all for you
    I am your messiah, your dear leader

    But in reality, I am just a bottom feeder
    Grifter, rapist, insurrectionist bleeder
    Con artist, liar, who sells a bible or two

    I am for law and order, not exactly in that order
    I am for what ever works for me, give me money
    I need your campaign donations, to pay my legal bills

    I’ll blame it on blacks who kneel in protest
    I’ll blame it on Hispanics who want to stay alive
    I’ll blame it on LGBTQ who never threatened your lives

    I’ll give the old white men, female’s vaginas
    I’ll give them power over uteri
    I don’t care if women die

    I’ll blame it on the press, I’ll do my best
    To destroy all the checks on my power
    I really only value my name on my tower

    It is really all about me, the gullible cannot see
    I am using them to save myself, I don’t care
    About our Constitution, I am destroying every institution

    My words are hollow, but if I get you to follow
    I’ll take you to the Abyss, and you will see it as bliss
    The serpent’s kiss, I’ll coil and hiss , as you do my bidding

    I am a budding, aspiring despot wannabe
    My jacket is orange, everyone can see
    But that interior lining is building an army

    Of Brownshirts.

  • Porn Star Hero

    Porn Star Hero, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

    Spunking in the room, with her head down low
    He had a shroom dick, he didn’t want to show
    He heard the chuckle of the star, his pickle did shrink
    She spanked him so hard with his own magazine
    That one “Har har”, just blew him away
    Saw Stormy in his eyes, and the very next day

    Got a once loyal lawyer, to pay off an NDA
    He knew how to con it, and he knew for sure
    That one “har har”, about his tiny hands
    Late night comics, would have their chance
    Just one “har har”, became endless dick jokes
    The orange Cheeto, has no chicken to choke
    So he started crying, ain’t never gonna stop
    Gonna keep on crying, about his tiny little cock

    She’s a porn star hero, got him on trial
    She’s a porn star hero,
    She’ laughed one “har har” (had shroom in her hands)
    Porn star hero(shroom in her hands) didn’t come that night

    In hotel with a name, and his ass was really sore
    Thought he’d get spanked, just a little bit more
    A jury now looks to the past, and that day insane
    And her one “har har”, will make his whole life change
    Now he’ll keep on choking, he will never stop
    Gonna keep on choking, his chicken will never never pop

    She’s a porn star hero, got him on trial
    She’s a porn star hero, got him on trail
    THAT ONE HAR HAR, got him on trail
    Porn star hero, gonna spank him in court.

  • Apathy

    Apathy, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

    Did you ever wonder how
    How we ended up with Birkenau
    Apathy, Apathy

    Did you ever wonder why
    In the chambers they did cry
    Apathy, Apathy

    It never starts suddenly
    Always builds up slowly
    Apathy, Apathy

    In the guise of patriotism
    Demanding blind loyalty
    Apathy, Apathy

    See all others as your foe
    It’s not that far to go
    Apathy, apathy

    Silent voices, leave no choices
    Powers ovens
    Apathy, apathy

    Executions undisputed
    Hate is where all are rooted
    Apathy, Apathy

    Did you ever wonder how
    We ended up with Auschwitz
    Apathy, apathy

    Never again should we want to see
    Treblinka or Dachau’s misery
    Never allow such apathy.

  • Untermenschen

    Untermenschen, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

    We must not fail to mention
    The calls for mass deportation
    The calls for industrial extermination
    Of the untermenshchen

    We must always remember
    Those dark days in December
    The ashes of winter that fell
    The last eyes to be witness

    Of that selection process
    To the right forced labor
    To the left the gates of hell
    The chambers of slumber

    That took the innocent under
    Fewer and fewer around to remember
    Those dark days in December
    The ashes of winter that fell

    Snowflakes of flesh, the stench of death
    The coal shoved into the fire
    The bodies stacked higher
    Humanity has gone insane

    Thus be the bane, forgetful of pain
    Memories fade, the path is made
    For history to repeat once more
    South of the boarder, Chicago crime

    George Soros, dog whistle time
    LGBTQ they consider all slime
    The cloudy criminal crimson clime
    December brings it’s bell toll chimes

    For the chimneys to remain dead
    We must all keep in our heads
    All of us are the same species
    Fight the ashes of December’s hate

    Winter does not have to be our fate
    Untermenschen there never was
    All who breath will always be
    Part of our diverse humanity

    It is one world that we all share
    It is one life that we all live
    Death to December
    Death to the ashes of winter

    Life can be the only winner
    Chose love over fear
    Hold everyone dear
    And make it all clear

    We are all in this together.

  • All Before All Ahead

    All Before, All Ahead, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

    In the reaches of the past, there was someone who
    Walked in the forest, swam in the ocean, just like you
    Someone who had fears and doubts, someone who
    Had illness bouts, someone who lounged about

    On a lazy afternoon. Someone who was late to work
    Someone fired a desk clerk. Someone who got a raise
    Someone everyone they amazed, Someone who
    Always smiled, someone who loved their child

    Someone who drove them wild, someone calm
    Someone mild. Someone mean did something bad
    Someone cried and made them sad. Someone laughed
    And made them glad. Someone conned, someone had

    Someone rich, never poor, always greedy, wanting more
    Someone giving, someone caring, always nice, always sharing
    Someone shy, someone daring, someone’s radio always blaring
    Someone shouting, someone silent, someone disobedient

    Someone compliant. In the reaches of the future, there will be
    Someone like you. The future has no choice but to become the past
    The past will repeat in the future. Someone is now and the uniqueness
    Is you, is something neither past or future will repeat.

    So here is the present, try to make it pleasant, as pleasant as you can.
    Give someone a hug, maybe cut a rug, don’t be smug, make life your drug. Walk in that forest, swim in that ocean, live in the now, make love your Potion, don’t let it be poisoned, by needless anger and hate.

    Do be kind, and try to do good, never mind, if you’re misunderstood
    Stay out of trouble, unless the good kind, the kind that helps others
    When they’re in a bind. Let go, let go, of grudges and revenge
    Those never help anyone in the end.

    For some fucking reason the submitted final poem isn’t formatting the way I submitted it so some words are capitalized near the end of a sentence and other words I want capitalized at the beginning of a line are not. I cant figure out how to fix it. My apologizes.

  • The Pit

    The Pit, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

    Do you want to dump them in a pit
    You talk of them as “scourge” quite a bit
    Is it your deepest desire, to set them all on fire?

    Do you want to march them out in masses
    Do you want to erase their history
    Do you want them to suffer in misery

    You demand they show their papers
    You claim you’re only protecting our borders
    Your rhetoric is a ghost of horrors

    We’ve seen this script before

    Do you want to dump them in a pit
    Make them dig it themselves
    Do you think they deserve all of it

    If you claim it’s all for God, do you think it absolves
    That piercing hate in your eyes, sold to you
    By the dear leader’s lies, immunized to their cries

    That they are humans too?

    Do you want to dump them in a pit
    You call them “abominations” quite a bit
    Is it your deepest desire to set them all on fire?

    We’ve seen this script before

    I can see that man knelt in his suit
    Numb stare in his eyes, gun pointed
    At his head, right before he dies

    You talk of Hispanics, you talk of blacks
    You talk of LGBTQ with that meanness
    Rancor, vitriol, we’ve seen this script before

    Do you want to dump them in a pit
    You talk of them like “dirt” quite a bit
    Is it your deep desire to set them all on fire?

    I say no way, you won’t have your say
    They are human’s just like you
    You will not repeat that history

    Humanity must never again such do.

    I am so fucking sick of the hate aimed at migrants and blacks and LGBTQ. We have seen where that kind of hate and vitriol can lead in human history. We must not let history repeat itself.

    This stanza is based on that famous photograph where the “Einsatzgruppen” or “death squads” would force Jews to dig their own pits, then execute them by gunfire.

    “I can see that man knelt in his suit
    Numb stare in his eyes, gun pointed
    At his head, right before he dies “

    Based on this famous photograph.

  • “This Round Is On Me” My poem read by Signal and music by Ian

  • The Parties Of God

    The Parties Of God, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

    Often people ask me why I am so critical
    Analytical, about what I see as antithetical
    To protecting diversity, and keeping the peace

    Jews Muslims and Christians all want a piece
    Of Mesopotamia, all three god’s mania
    Fervent fans, make demands, he commands

    That the the land is theirs, nobody shares
    They’d all rather kill, all die on that hill
    Of the Parties Of God,

    The ancient sword, drenched in blood
    Peace always the victim, misunderstood
    Everyone has weapons, to defend their brood

    Bodies tattered, babies shattered, nothing maters
    But being right, bombs day and night
    Jews and Muslims under the clouds of night

    All their children live in fright, all the adults
    Sell their youth hate, always locked in this stalemate
    Trigger fingers, jump the gate, nuclear bombs seal our fate

    Allah and Yahweh, and Jesus too, is this the best you can do?
    I hope, I hope, it is not too late, to end the violence
    Don’t separate, ourselves by labels, we are all one

    I wish your gang members would put down their guns.

  • Scorched Earth

    Scorched Earth, By Brian37 (AKA Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter/X)

    Scorched earth, in the bunker
    In 1945 Berlin, sat the psychopath
    Knowing finally that he couldn’t win

    Blamed is population for disloyalty
    Blamed German civilians for his loss
    Refused to let them surrender

    Bury them at all costs. Military
    Decimated, all that was left was youth
    Desperate he forced young and elderly

    To fight down to their last tooth
    Ignoring all the General’s pleas
    To save their remaining population

    That evil narcissist was the one
    Who convinced the entire nation
    To follow him down that dark road

    “Compassion was for the weak “
    That monster often sold
    Bastardizing real evolution

    Left empathy out in the cold
    This what happens when
    You scapegoat and vilify

    The bully claims to be the victim
    The venom’s battle cry
    The truth for these authoritarians

    They have no value at all
    It is all about lust for power
    Blind obedience is the call

    It was the abominable notion
    The master race should rule over all
    I am glad that bastard ate a bullet

    That lead to his inevitable downfall.

    I am an atheist. I hate Hitler, I hate Stalin, I hate Po Pot, I hate Mao, I hate Gadaffi, I hate Fidel Castro. I hate Authoritarians.

    Any human being selling you a political, religious, or business “plan” where blind loyalty where questioning is not allowed, it is the sign of tyranny and will lead to eventual disaster.

    Cult leaders, mafia bosses, dictators and abusive spouses all operate the same way. They convince their followers that they cannot live or function without them. They tell you nobody understands you like they do, and they tell you not to trust anyone. They rely on creating a dependent relationship where they are the only ones that know what is best for you. They demand blind loyalty and any questioning will be met with verbal abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse and even murder. Or they will convince you to commit suicide with them. It is the behavior of a madman.

    In normal healthy relationships there is cooperation, communication, no absolute power, but cooperation and compromise. And especially the ability to leave a situation without fear of threat or reprisal.

    Hitler never cared about anyone else but himself, and maybe his dog Blondie and his wife Eva Braun. Stalin also never cared about anyone but himself, and lust of power. But both of them were very effective in convincing supporters to do their bidding blindly. And once they rose to enough power, all hope was lost for anyone living under them that saw the problem and knew what was really going on.

    Hitler was to blame for the entirety of WW2. He was to blame for starting the war. He was to blame for bastardizing evolution claiming that it was solely about might makes right. He was a bastard for claiming that there was a master race and that Jews deserved to eliminated from the face of the planet.

    The problem with humans though is long term. That war is almost 100 years in the past since it’s start. There are very few survivors left to recall the brutality of that monster.

    Yet today, humans still scapegoat and vilify minorities. They use one religion against the other to create in groups and out groups. And far too many people get wrapped up in zero sum games they are willing to follow authoritarians down that same dark road.

    I don’t want history to repeat itself with any group of people. I want a peaceful pluralistic society that uses democracy and voting and diplomacy and checks on power.

  • Judge Faith(no relation)

    Judge Faith(No relation), By Brian James Rational Poet on FB/META and @Brianrrs37 on Twitter/X) (Disclaimer: The title means “to judge your faith, question it”, it is no relationship to the TV personality.)

    What would you think, what would you say
    If in a modern court, it happened this way
    In the sentencing phase, a sitting judge

    Had this to say, “Not only do I sentence you
    Your punishment of such will also include
    The murder of your firstborn son

    On my authority, from my bench, this will be done
    Does this sound fun, does this sound right
    To be so arbitrary, to use your might

    Because you can, because you have power
    I’d think this logic, for the sane would sour
    The behavior of a bully, that of a coward

    But this is what God does to the Pharoah
    In that hideous story of the Passover
    Very bad logic you should not gloss over.